
Specialized mortar solution

Concrete bonding mortar

Concrete bonding mortar has higher adhesive strength, compressive strength than tile adhesive mortar.  Using concrete bonding mortar for the following applications:

+ To bonding two concrete slabs that has long bonding line such as ACOTEC wall; AAC wall; EPS wall…

+ To bonding the big dimension granite tiles… on the vertical wall

Thin bed mortar

Thin bed mortar is the specialized mortar which can executing the work follow the thin layer mortar technology. Using the saw-tooth trowel to spread the mortar on surface.  When press the two surfaces together, the mortar will make thin to bond. Thin bed mortar has the much higher adhesive strength and much lower using norm than normal mortar.

Using thin bed mortar in these following applications: press the block of light weight concrete, ceramic tiles…

Non-shrinkage, high compressive strength grout

Grout with non-shrinkage, high compressive strength and high worability is the solution material for these following appilication:

  • Hard to executing the work
  • Make fill the gap between two building components
  • Fix the base of pillar, base of machine in the high compressive strength harden grout
  • Concrete reparing works

Pumping grout

Pumping grout is specialized grout has high workability, high flow ability for pumping. Pumping grout is the solution material for these following application:

  • Filling the building components need pumping the grout
  • Reparing the hollow in concrete by pumping the grout to fill the hollow

Flooring material solution

Self-leveling epoxy grout

Self-leveling epoxy grout is grout that produced from epoxy base. Self-leveling epoxy grout has high workability, good self-leveling. The floor covered by self-leveling epoxy grout will has high hardness, high chemical resistant, smooth surface…

Self-leveling grout

Self-leveling grout is grout that has self-leveling ability. Self-leveling grout is produced from cement base. Self-leveling grout is material solution for make smooth surface on the concrete floor before executing epoxy floor, wood floor, vinyl floor…

Floor hardener from cement base

Floor hardener from cement base is produced from cement, silica sand and additive. Floor hardener from cement base is executed the work after 2-3h executing concrete floor. The floor with the floor hardener layer will has higher hardness than normal concrete floor.

Water-proof material solution

Water-proof material for water-closet

Phần thân công trình, nhất là các kết cấu bao che dưới tác động của các yếu tố bên ngoài thường phải chịu tác động của sự thay đổi về nhiệt độ và độ ẩm.

Water-proof material for roof, balcony

Trong chống thấm mái, cần kết hợp nguyên tắc ngăn chặn và chuyển hướng. Việc ngăn chặn được thực hiện thông qua chống thấm sơ cấp kết hợp với chống thấm thứ cấp theo phương pháp chống thấm thuận.

Water-proof material for basement

Chống thấm bề mặt tầng hầm có thể thực hiện theo phương án chống thấm thuận hoặc chống thâm ngược. Tuy nhiên, nên ưu tiên thực hiện theo phương án chống thấm thuận.

Elastic material solution

Elastic mortar, sealant

Elastic mortar or sealant curing in air have high elastic and adhesive characteristic. They are used to insert the construction joint between wall panel and concrete collumn

Elastic putty

Elastic putty is the putty that has high elastic, high adhesive and paintable charateristic. Elastic putty is material soultion for  puttying to the surface of elastic mortar or sealant in construction joint.