Concrete bonding mortar has higher adhesive strength, compressive strength than tile adhesive mortar. Using concrete bonding mortar for the following applications:
+ To bonding two concrete slabs that has long bonding line such as ACOTEC wall; AAC wall; EPS wall…
+ To bonding the big dimension granite tiles… on the vertical wall
Thin bed mortar is the specialized mortar which can executing the work follow the thin layer mortar technology. Using the saw-tooth trowel to spread the mortar on surface. When press the two surfaces together, the mortar will make thin to bond. Thin bed mortar has the much higher adhesive strength and much lower using norm than normal mortar.
Using thin bed mortar in these following applications: press the block of light weight concrete, ceramic tiles…
Grout with non-shrinkage, high compressive strength and high worability is the solution material for these following appilication:
Pumping grout is specialized grout has high workability, high flow ability for pumping. Pumping grout is the solution material for these following application: